Formerly Kirk's Lawn Care
New Lawn Watering Guidelines
As your lawn and landscape provider, you can count on us to ensure the plant material, turf grass, and installation methods are the highest quality you can expect. In turn, we must count on you to properly water your new installations. It's important that we function as a team to ensure long term success. The following information is only a rough guideline. Various soil types, weather conditions, sun or shade, along with using common sense may alter water requirements.
Newly Seeded Lawns
- First 2-3 weeks: Water frequently and light. Our goal here is to keep the seed moist without wash-out. 10-20 minutes per zone/area 1-2 times a day (2 if possible).
- Weeks 3-5: Water Deep and less frequent. Our goal here is to allow the roots to develop and reach deeper into the soil. Increase watering time per zone to 20-30 minutes 3-4 days per week.
- Our seed can take up to 21 days to germinate, be diligent with watering and results will follow. Many grasses have a "Sprout and pout" stage where they grow to about 1" and "pout" for a week or more, then begin growing again. Don't stop watering!
- If you have an area that is prone to erosion, it may be a good idea to use a straw blanket on those areas until new seed is germinated. This can be picked up at Lowes or Home Depot.
- Perennial Ryegrass will be the first the Germinate, generally within 7 days. Fine Fescue will be next at around the 10-14 day mark (this is a shady grass.) Finally, Kentucky Bluegrass will take up to 21 days to germinate, this is the the most important grass for sunny areas. This is also why it is so important to continue watering past the 3 week mark!
Newly Sodded Lawns
- Begin watering sod IMMEDIATELY after installation. Apply at least 1” of water so that the soil beneath the turf is wet. Ideally 3”-4” of soil beneath the surface should be moist. Make sure that water gets to all areas of the lawn, regardless of the type of irrigation system you use. Many sprinklers miss corners and edges which are particularly vulnerable to drying out. Areas near buildings also dry out faster because of reflected heat.
- Continue watering new sod twice per day, in the morning and afternoon—thorough, deep watering is best until the soil is saturated but not puddling. Morning is ideal with lower wind speeds and less water is lost to evaporation. Watering in the evening is discouraged—water remaining on the grass can promote disease and fungus.
- Within a few weeks, when the sod has started rooting into the soil, you will not have to water it as much. After the sod is well established (several weeks after installation) irrigating deeply and infrequently encourages roots to grow deep, making the turf more tolerant to drought.
Established Lawn Watering Tips
When To Water
How Much To Water
Nationally-awarded for quality of work and customer service, Outdoor Splendor provides premium lawn services, landscaper services and hardscaper services for Berks, Chester and Montgomery counties. Contact them for all your lawn, landscape and hardscape needs.
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